A former musician, a practising chemist. Ever since a child Miguel Marques was attracted by tarot and magick. As he grew up, he found comics and with it, the language of images. Miguel Marques started his tarot studies in 2002, because, well… what else would you do with a library of images that had the potential to tell every story in the whole world and you had the time to start reading them? Mostly self-taught, he ended up developing his own personal relationship with the cards and has a practice in his home city of Oporto, Portugal. You can reach him at mmarques.comsciencia@gmail.com

12074651_10153644830679346_7626131215555399831_nCuriosity would have killed her, had she not had eight or possibly more lives to spare. Shelley Ruelle is an American transplant living in Rome, Italy since 2001, the year after she picked up her first deck in the Phoenix desert (a Rider Waite Smith). Since then she’s worked with Enrique Enriquez learning the poetics of tarot, and Camelia Elias at Taroflexions to learn “to read like the devil”. She hasn’t found a better vehicle than the tarot for imagining actionable solutions to real-world conundrums. She writes for a living.


… Since I was a little child, I always used my intuition for everything in my life. My name Is Paulo da Silva, but everyone knows me as Paulinnhhoo. “Paulinnhoo.” started as character I created for myself, but eventually grew and took a life of its own. When I came into the tarot, I brought these two notions, intuition and role-playing, with me and mesh it up into something that would help me deal with the obstacles that we bump into in our lives…

For further assistance and parts to play, just contact me at paulinnhhoo@gmail.com

IMG_20170410_195817I’m Isabel Teunis, I live in the Netherlands near the dunes & the cold seas. Hence my DuneWitch nickname, which was a tongue in cheek Instagram handle that stuck, but it suits me fine to be known this way. When I’m not sniffing the salty winds I’m a complete card addict. I’ll grab any excuse to whip out my nearest deck & throw cards at whatever life throws at me, be it big or small. I love looking at other people’s cards, reading about cards, collecting cards… I love the shuffling, even if I don’t do it all that well. I love the anticipation of turning them over. I love the excitement of reading another story. I love it when they pun, I love it when they wax lyrical. I even love it when they say No, we’re not telling you this.  So to me, there is no such thing as a frivolous question. Every question wants to be answered, every fortune told.

To book a reading or read my personal blog, please visit isabeldunewitch.nl . To follow me on my witchy wanderings, follow my Instagram @isabeldunewitch . Feel free to contact me via email . On FB you can like or follow my business page.